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    The literal translation of meme from German to English is:

    The smallest sense-carrying structure.










    Memes are the distinctions, models, decisions, stories, conclusions, thoughtmaps, and concepts, that you think with.



    Things are the way they are... or, are they?


    If you expect someone to rescue you, then you make yourself into a victim...

    waiting... blaming... resenting...


    If you take responsibility for your situation then you are starting over.


    It may not seem fair... it is not fair...

    But if you are still alive, you can start over.


    Who made your situation the way it is?


    If 'they' did... then you must wait around for them to care enough to come and make it better for you.

    'They' may be dead. 'They' may not care.

    You may be waiting a long time...


    If YOU made your situation the way it is,

    then you are keeping it the way it is.

    This is called radical responsibility.


    This is the choice you get now.

    Wait around... or start over.


    How are you keeping it the way is is?

    How did it all begin?

    How did you start thinking and making decisions?

    What have you decided so far?

    Do you actually like what you have decided?


    It began with using some ideas...

    Whose ideas do you use?

    Where did they come from?

    Do you still like those ideas?

    How do those ideas limit you?

    How do those ideas support you to create what you want?


    Which 'you' is doing the wanting?


    What you think with determines what you can think about.


    The ideas you think with are called memes.


    Memes are like genes.

    In the same way that genes are the smallest instructions for the design of your physical body...

    memes are the smallest instructions for the design of your intellectual body... your mind.


    Your memes are what you think with.

    When you think about what you think with you get a chance to start over.


    Whose mind is it, anyway?

    If it is your mind, then you could change your mind.

    Your mind is yours to play with and make into whatever you want...


    What you think about is what you know about...

    In other words, if you don't know about something how can you think about it?

    What you know about is the contents of your thinking and perceiving.


    What you use to think about that contents is your thoughtware.

    Where do you get your thoughtware?

    Here is one way to ask this question.

    If you cannot already think and speak, would they let you into kindergarten or gradeschool?


    So then, where do you learn to think and speak?

    At home, from you parents, before you go to school.

    This means you adopted your basic thoughtware to survive in connection with your parents before you went to school.

    Where did your parents get their thoughtware?

    From their parents.

    And where did your grandparents get their thoughtware?

    From their parents, and so on.

    You are using unexamined thoughtware passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.

    You are using very old thoughtware.

    Just because you are using certain thoughtware does not mean it is the optimal thoughtware for you to use.

    Updated thoughtware exists.

    How often do you update the software on your phone or computer?

    When was the last time you updated the thoughtware in your mind?

    Did you ever have a class in school about upgrading your thoughtware?

    If you do not think about what you are thinking with you will use the same Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware that everyone else uses, which is what got you into the problem in the first place.


    Ian Mackenzie - how to occupy the noosphere

    Jeremy Rifkin - mirror neurons and the Empathic Civilization (RSA mindmapped)

    Derrick Jensen - on detecting faulty memes

    Clinton Richard Dawkins - on originating the term 'meme'

    Anne-Chloé Destremau - memetic speaking

    Anne-Chloé Destremau - memetic speaking (worktalk): what are memes? what are their uses? what are their consequences? how to notice memes? how to change memes?










    where to go from here...

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.01

    Find at least one other person to do this experiment with, or better yet do the experiment with your Possibility Team, Mens Circle, Womens Circle or 3 Cell.

    For the next week, notice and record in writing as many memes as you can find. Scan for memes in a cafe, when talking to your mother, taking a walk or meeting with your team. The memes could belong to you, to another person or an organisation or they could pop out at you from a book, the TV, movies, advertisments or the supermarket. Keep going until you have collected 100 memes.

    Share your list of memes with your meme hunting team at the end of the week.

    Congratulations! You have now put more of your attention on the memetic structures that surround you than 99.99% of the worlds population. Most people have never considered memes. New layers of reality have revealed themselves to you.

    After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code: MEMETICS.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.02

    If you want to drink water for free, how can you do that?

    What you think with determines what you can think about.

    It is obvious that different people see the world differently.

    If three women start to do the same task, they will do it three different ways.

    What makes the difference?

    The difference is the memes they are thinking with.

    There are different kinds of memes.

    For example, there are opinions, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, assumptions, expectations, conclusions, recipes, instructions, promises, declarations, decisions, questions, distinctions.


    Write down your beliefs.

    Write down your assumptions.

    Write down what makes you afraid and what you do to protect against it.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.03

    A tree can not become a frog because a tree is limited by its genetic structure.

    Similarly, you can only think thoughts that are possible from within your memetic structure.

    Do you feel forced to think about how fat or skinny you are?

    How pretty or handsome you are?

    How much money you have or don't have?

    What clothes you wear?

    Your hair?

    Your car?

    Make a list in your Beep! book of all the things you are forced to think about by the memes that you carry.

    After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code: MEMETICS.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.04

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.05

    What you think with is called thoughtware.

    Thoughtware is similar to the programs in a computer.

    By changing a program the same computer can do very different things.

    The same is true of a human being.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.06

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.07

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.08

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.09

    Memes are more or less easy to notice depending on where they are in relation to your inner structure.

    Memes can be tightly mapped onto your shape, or they can be in the process of arriving or departing.

    The process of old memes departing and new memes arriving is also known as evolution. You can lubricate evolution by noticing and naming departing memes.

    Separate your experience into 3 categories:

    1. Circumstance

    2. The relevant thoughts, words or behavior.

    3. Memes that are operating.

    For example:

    • Circumstance: Someone pulled out in front of me at an intersection and thanks to my quick reflexes I managed to narrowly avoid an accident.
    • Behaviour: Become outraged, give them the fingers and swear at them loudly, then complain about them over the next few days.
    • Potential memes at play (hint: write them as if they apply to everything that has ever happened to you) eg, Other people are blind and crazy. I am the only responsible, awake person here. If I am not vigilant, disaster is inevitable. Life is happening to me, I have to defend myself from it. I prove my own value by complaining about the faults of others.
    • Come up with a list of alternative memes that if adopted would render the above obsolete. Important note!: This last part is not about replacing your old memes with new ones (although this may happen at some point). Naming alternative memes loosens the grip that your outgoing memetic constructs have on you by showing you that other things really are possible...

    After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code: MEMETICS.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.10

    You can also lubricate evolution by noticing and naming arriving memes!

    Scan the last week or two of your life for the moments when you nailed it, when you said the thing and it went better than you could have dreamed, when you flowed in flawless synchronicity with the universe …when it really worked… list 5 moments in the last 2 weeks when this has been the case, even in very small ways. With one item on your list at a time, do the following:

    Separate your experience into 3 categories:

    1. Circumstance

    2. The relevant thoughts, words or behavior.

    3. Memes that are operating.

    For example:

    • Circumstance: I proposed a weekly experiment practice with my partner for the purpose of growing intimacy in our relating space.
    • Behaviour: No fluff, no dithering, no background story or explanation. I made the proposal, owned my commitment, asked if she was in and waited for her reply.
    • Memes that are operating: When I notice something lacking in my life I can then create it. We are both experimenters. Experimenting together creates intimacy. To experiment together is to play, learn, grow and have fun together. There is no hierarchy between experimenters.

    After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code: MEMETICS.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

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    Matrix code: MEMETICS.11

    You have fooled some people with your show and some people you have not. You know the difference. The people that you have not fooled are the ones that are most qualified to reveal your tightly mapped memes. Ask one of them to hold a memetic engineering process space for you, where they hold a clear space for you to discover otherwise invisible aspects of your memetic structure.

    After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code: MEMETICS.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.

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  • Tim Tyler's thoughts about Memetics.

    Tim Tyler shares some theoretical considerations from his home-made book about memetics.

  • Note:This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. Please read this website responsibly. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code MEMETICS.00 to log your Matrix Points earned at this website on http://StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!